Thursday, September 4, 2008


I think i process allegorically, this all seemed to make sense to me =)


Imagine yourself as a stone,
picked up from a pond,
thrown perfectly back across it.
You bounce over the surface when all you want
is to just plunge straight back in.

At first it seems alright,
a quick hit of the surface,
the moment before immersion,
enough to remember the waters touch.

All that you have known, returned,
familiar friends, faces and family waiting there
in the water;
it’s as though you’ve already plunged back in,
ready to swim about as you please.

Yet time moves on,
realization dawns,
and attempts to swim are awkward, useless.
Flying through the air would make it feel that way.

Just waiting to hit the surface again,
maybe next time, next time
you might hit and dive back in,
returned to all that you know

But what if you were actually meant to fly?
To swim is no longer enough.
Maybe we were created to fly,
yet somehow along the way
we found this pond and learnt to swim.

As time wears on memory fades.
We forgot how to fly,
that we were made to fly.
Some have even stopped swimming.
What if some of us sunk like stones?
What if we’re all just too lazy,
or too scared,
or too content to remember how to fly?
Maybe we have taught ourselves
‘There is freedom in my pond’
and forgotten the life above that was given to us freely.

So this is my choice.
Do I wait it out?
Bouncing until I sink back in,
free to swim again.

Or, do I take up the challenge and learn to fly?